+ Accidents (minor)
We are not a full A+E service provider.
We can do ACC, assessment and treatment of minor injures.
+ Adult Vaccinations
We provide a series of vaccines for adults including tetanus boosters, pertussis vaccines, influenza vaccines, shingles vaccines, pneumococcal and a series of travel vaccines (please see the travel section)
Whooping cough or Pertussis rates in New Zealand have increased over the past few years with a reported 70 new cases per month.
Sadly babies can die from complications of whooping cough often caught from unvaccinated adults affected with pertussis.
It is recommended that pregnant women become vaccinated in order to provide immunity to their babies in the first 6 weeks of life. This is the period before a babies routine vaccines and is the most high risk time. Immunity increases after the second vaccination at 3 months. The pertussis vaccine is funded for all pregnant woman between 28 and 38 weeks of pregnancy. We also recommend fathers and grandparents also receive the vaccine.
Influenza is a highly contagious disease.
As many of our patients travel on public transport, work in large air conditioned offices and travel frequently on planes they are at a higher risk of influenza and so we recommend and provide the annual influenza vaccine.
Immunity decreases over time and vaccination is needed each year to ensure you continue to be protected. Vaccination is recommended in autumn to allow time for immunity to be strengthened before the flu season starts.
Each year, the flu vaccine will protect against the three strains of flu virus which are most likely to circulate over the winter period.
Even if you received a flu vaccination towards the end of the last flu season, you should still be vaccinated again before this flu season.
We can also provide onsite workplace influenza vaccine programmes for 10 or more staff. If your workplace is interested in this service the please contact our practice nurses in February/March on enquiry@queenstreetdoctors.co.nz
The shingles vaccine is available for people over 50 years of age for an additional fee from the practice nurse. If you have had chickenpox you are at risk of developing shingles as you get older. Please discuss the Zostavax vaccine with your doctor.
+ Asthma
Our knowledgeable GPs and practice nurses recognise the importance of diagnosing and managing asthma. Our GPs can perform regular reviews and provide asthma management plans and preventive and reliever medications as appropriate. We can also refer patients with poorly controlled asthma to Respiratory or Allergy Specialists.
+ Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
At Queen Street Doctors we recognise the importance of individual cardiac risk assessments on all adults over 45 years of age and younger adults with significant medical history.
Our GPs take detailed patient histories which include family history of coronary heart disease and familial hypercholesterolemia and past history of diseases including coronary heart disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome and smoking status.
Assessment may include blood tests and ECG
We inform our patients of their cholesterol levels and can provide them with copies of results for comparison.
We advise our patients to adopt a healthy lifestyle including:
- not smoking
- regular exercise
- dietary modifications and;
- weight control.
+ Childhood Immunisations
We provide all childhood vaccinations that are free to any child living in New Zealand.
The Practice Nurses at Queen Street Doctors are immunisation accredited providers and regularly attend update courses on the changing childhood vaccination schedule.
Currently children have vaccinations at 6 weeks, 3 months, 5 months, 12 months, 15 months and 4 years.
Adolescents receive vaccinations primarily via their schools but catch up vaccinations can be given at the surgery. These vaccines include tetanus boosters and Gardasil for girls over 12.
We also provide optional extra vaccinations which are available at an extra cost from the practice nurse. These include Chickenpox, meningitis, annual influenza vaccine and Gardasil for boys.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our practice nurses.
+ Contraception
At Queen Street Doctors we can provide contraception education and advice in order to work out what form of contraception is best for you. We have a number of GP’s who insert Jadelles (contraceptive implant).
For any enquires about contraception please contact our helpful practice nurses.
+ Diabetes
The GP’s and practice nurses at Queen Street Doctors identify the importance of diagnosing and managing diabetes. We recommend patients with diabetes to have an annual diabetes check which includes foot check, blood sugar levels, education and a review with a doctor.
We are able to refer diabetic patients to other services when required including podiatrists, dieticians and community exercise groups.
Please contact our practice nurses for further information.
+ Driving Medicals
At Queen Street Doctors we can carry out your driving medical. This includes a short appointment with the nurse followed by a check-up by the doctor, all together this takes about 45 mins. Please advise the reception staff when booking that you need a driving medical so that we can book accordingly.
+ GP appointments
- Standard appointments are 15 minutes, if you think you will need longer, please book double.
- We see all ages from babies through to older adults.
- We offer virtual, over the phone and in person consultation. Please be advised that some types of consultations may require an inperson examination.
+ Lab Tests
There are a few Labtests throughout the city centre. Please ask reception for their locations. We can also do certain blood tests on site for a small fee.
+ Medicals (except immigration medicals)
This includes a 15 minute appointment with a nurse and a 30 minute appointment with a doctor.
We offer:
- Driving medicals
- Diving medicals
- Insurance medicals
- full wellness medicals
+ Mental Health
We can support you to manage stess, mood difficulties, drug, alcohol and other addictions.
We work with community mental health services to provide shared care for those with major mental health diagnoses.
It is useful to book a double appointment in the first instance, extra charges will apply.
+ Minor surgery
For your convenience minor surgery procedures can be carried out at Queen Street Doctors by some of our specially trained GPs.
This includes removal of moles, skin lesions, cysts and skin tags. We also perform diagnostic biopsies of any larger skin lesions.
Our practice nurses are trained in wound management and can follow up with patients after the procedure including removal of sutures.
Please note that patients need to be reviewed by a doctor before booking in for any minor surgery procedure.
Prices may vary for minor surgeries. Please speak with your GP for more information.
+ Nurses appointments
- Immunisations, including childhood immunisation catchup
- Wound care
- Lifestyle advice and education
- Ear syringing
+ Prescriptions
Repeat presciptions can be requested by phone, email or on the patient portal, Health 365.
If you need the prescription on the same day, please indicate in the request that it is an urgent/same day script.
+ Radiology
Auckland Radiology group is located next door to Queen Street Doctors and we can refer you to their services when required.
+ Sexual and Reproductive Health
We offer:
- Smears
- Contraception
- Fertility advice and referral
- First antenatal visit
- STI screening, diagnosis and management
- HPV vaccinations
- HIV medication including PrEP
We welcome transgender individuals, gender diverse individuals and individuals of all sexualities.
+ Skin checks
All our GPs are trained and can provide general dermatology care including acne, eczema, dermatitis, rosacea and psoriasis. Our GP’s can also provide general skin cancer checks. If you have any concerns about your skin we recommend you book an appointment. Dr Goldkorn and Dr Thwaites preform minor surgery procedures and Dr Goldkorn is completing further studies in skin care.
We offer full skin checks, excision/biopsies of skin lesions and liquid nitrogen.
If any suspicious lesions are detected they will be removed in the practice or a referral can be made to a specialist for excision.
+ Smears
A cervical smear is recommended to all woman who are over the age of 25 and sexually active every three years or yearly if you have had abnormal results in the past. Having a smear is important so that we can monitor any cell changes of the cervix which may lead to cervical cancer. We keep up to date records and will send you a letter when you are due for your smear. Please make an appointment to see a doctor to have this test done. Or if you have any questions or would like to know more information about this test then please give our practice nurses a call.
+ Tests Results
You can view your test results on the Health 365 Patient Portal once the doctor has reviewed them.
Our doctors check incoming results daily. However, we are not able to contact everyone regarding their results. For normal results or reports, we do not routinely contact you unless otherwise arranged with the doctor. For abnormal results, we will contact you as soon as possible. It is important that your contact details (phone numbers, postal addresses and email addresses) are up to date in our system.
If you have any questions about your results, please call us to speak with a nurse. The nurses are not qualified to interpret results in detail. Therefore, you may be asked to make an appointment with your regular doctor to have your results explained in detail.
+ Travel advice
Our doctors provide extensive medical advice about travelling overseas. It is important to come in about one month before you head away and to bring your full itinerary in with you as well as previous vaccines that you may have received so comprehensive travel advice can be given.
If you are in need of vaccines before your trip we have many vaccines stocked onsite in a vaccine fridge. Any vaccines that require a specialist to administer we can refer you to the appropriate travel expert.
As well as vaccine preventable diseases we also advise on malaria prophylaxis and prevention and treatment of travellers' diarrhoea.
+ Well Person checks
From the age of 40 we recommend having an annual full medical check-up. This will include a short appointment with the nurse followed by a comprehensive check up with the doctor. Your doctor will usually order a set of routine blood tests as well. When booking please mention that you would like a full medical so that appropriate appointment time can be booked. If you would like any further information on this service please give our practice nurses a call.
+ Woundcare
We provide dressings for injuries and can look after your wounds post-Operatively.